Serious Fun is a nonprofit organization committed to providing engaging arts enrichment programs with wrap-around child care in 5 NYC public school locations. We provide children the opportunity to learn, play, and have fun after school and during school breaks, offering families convenient, flexible and accessible programs.

Enroll in your choice of themed classes for a new year of quality arts enrichment & fun!

Click on your location for 2023-2024 class offerings and schedules

Enrichment taught by professional artists

Snack, Homework Help, Child Choice & Active Play

Maximum class size of 20 (most classes are 15)

Maximum teacher to student ratio of 1 to 10 (most 1 to 8)

Registration is ongoing–for openings, classes and details check the prorated tuition chart here for registration dates and tuition.

Log In + Register

If you would like to your enroll your child before the next registration period, please create your online profile, then email your site supervisor so they can register your child manually and tuition will be prorated according to the day your child begins the program. NOTE: All registration packet materials must be submitted and payment received before your child can be enrolled.

After School Enrichment + More

Each day Serious Fun offers a wide range of enrichment classes, led by local professional teaching artists and arts partners. Children also enjoy a snack, child-choice time, active play, and homework help or quiet time until 5:45 pm.

Our Professional Enrichment Partners Include:

Serious Fun is open on all days public schools are open, following the DOE calendar, except for school-scheduled ½ days, parent-teacher conferences (including Family Nights), and District holidays.