A. Registration
How do I register my child for Serious Fun?
- REGISTER – Register your child online through the Serious Fun registration portal, here.
- ENROLL – Enroll your child in classes (and submit your full registration packet).
- MEET – Join us for online Family Orientation to go over important information and meet your site’s Serious Fun team.
Discounts, coupons and prorated tuition are applied at checkout.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to submit your full registration packet including up-to-date medical forms so your child start the program and the fun!
When is 2024-2025 registration?
Official Program State Date:
September 16, 2024 For families that have registered from August 23 – September 4, 2024
Early Registration Start Date:
September 9, 2024 Free Bonus Week of Serious Fun for families that register on or before August 22, 2024
Late Registration:
Register between September 5-17, 2024 to start September 23, 2024
Register between September 18-24, 2024 to start September 30, 2024
Friday, June 20, 2025
Once you’ve chosen your classes and made a deposit, Serious Fun will create your Registration Packet and email it to you.
A complete Packet includes:
– Signed Registration Form
– Signed Payment Agreement & Statement of Understanding
– Signed Payment Authorization Form.
You will need to review, sign, and return the Registration Packet along with your child’s Current Medical Form.
My child is returning to Serious Fun. Do I need to fill out a full registration packet again?
My work schedule is irregular. Can I change the number of days my child attends from week to week?
If I enroll my child in a class and he doesn’t like it, can he change classes in the middle of the year?
How much does the Serious Fun program cost?
Enroll in 3+ more days for a multi-day discount and save!
**Approximate pricing based on enrollment of 5+ days per week, not including registration fees.
Discounts, coupons and prorated tuition are applied at checkout.
Is the registration fee per child?
No. The $100 Registration Fee is per family. (Non-Refundable)
Is there a sibling discount?
Yes. Families receive $100 off total tuition for each additional sibling.
If I want to register my child after the program has started will I have to pay the full year’s tuition?
Each childcare day is billed at $1485 for the full year, however, if families enroll after the start of the 2024-25 program year, tuition is prorated at a reduced rate according to your child’s start date.
How can I pay for my Serious Fun tuition?
Tuition may be paid in full or by installment. You must provide bank account or credit card information for program fees and any additional charges, including but not limited to Registration Fee, Failed Transaction Fee, Chargeback Fee, Administrative Fee, Late Payment Fee, Late Pick Up Fee, Drop-in Fee, Change Fee, or Cancellation Fee.
Installments are the total tuition due prorated over a period of time. Each installment is an equal amount and does not reflect the number of program days in a given month. The first installment is due at the time of registration and each subsequent installment payment will be automatically due on the 1st. The final installment will be due on May 1, 2025. Installment payments for financial aid run through June 1.
Installment plan available

How much will I have to pay each installment?
Installments are the total tuition plus the registration fee due, prorated and divided evenly as a monthly payment over the timeframe of the program. Each installment is an equal amount and does not reflect the number of program days month. The first installment is due at the time of registration and each installment payment will be automatically processed on the 1st, or closest business day, of each month. Your final installment is processed on May 1, 2025.
Can I set up recurring installment payments using my Credit Card or Checking Account?
Yes. To set up a recurring charge to your credit card or Electronic Check (ACH), please store your payment information under your secure online profile at our Online Registration Page. In addition, please notify us by emailing your site to let us know of the change and ensure your account is updated properly to avoid interruption of your child’s after school arts enrichment.
Can I change my credit card/ACH on file?
Yes. Please email your site directly for any changes to your payment method. Please allow your Multi-Site Director up to reach out to you with an update on your account.
I registered, and would like to enroll my child in additional days. Is that possible? How would it affect my tuition due?
You may add days at any time. Ask your Site Supervisor for the cost of the additional day(s). Each childcare day is billed per day for the 2024-2025 year, and is prorated if starting after the start of the program year (See chart above). You may add Serious Fun program days without incurring a Change Fee.
I registered and would like to drop days. Is that possible?
Yes. If you would like to enroll your child before the next registration period, please create your online profile, then email your Multi-Site Director so they can help you register your child. NOTE: All registration packet materials must be and payment received before your child can be enrolled.

B. Programs
When is the first day of Serious Fun the 2024-2025 school year?
Early registrants begin: September 9, 2024 (Families that register before Aug. 22, 2024 qualify for early FREE bonus week of your child/children’s enrolled classes. Restrictions apply.
Official opening day: September 16, 2024 (For families that register before/on Sept. 4, 2024.)
Registration is ongoing, for openings, classes and details click here.
NOTE: When classes are marked as “read only” enrollment is paused to complete registrations for the next start date, it will reopen within 48 hours, check back soon. Enrollment for the 2024-2025 Serious Fun Program is currently open. In order to begin Serious Fun, you’ll need to complete your online registration packet and attend your Family Orientation Meeting.
Sign up for orientation here.
When is the last day of Serious Fun the 2024-2025 school year?
Friday, June 20, 2025
What holidays does Serious Fun observe?
Serious Fun is open on all days public schools are open, following the DOE calendar, except for school-scheduled ½ days, parent-teacher conferences (including Family Nights), and District holidays.
What do the children do each day?
Each day Serious Fun provides children with an engaging enrichment class taught by professional artists and instructors, a snack, child-choice time, homework help and active play. Check the class listings according to your location.
How big are the enrichment classes?
class size varies from class to class, the largest class size for grades K-5 is 20 students. If enrollment in any grade K-5 class is less than 10 students, Serious Fun reserves the right to merge or cancel the class. All children in a cancelled class will be offered a place in an alternative class meeting on the same day as the original class.
What is your ratio of teachers to students?
Our NYS mandated ratio is 1:10 for any class with children in grades K through 5.
What happens if the class my child wants to enroll in is full?
If a class is full, you may add your child to the waitlist for that class, and enroll your child in the alternative class option offered on the same day. If a space opens in the desired class, a Serious Fun representative will reach out to you to see if your child would like to change his/her class. There will be a $25 Change Fee for any change.
Can my child attend Serious Fun on a day he’s not regularly scheduled to attend?
Yes. Serious Fun understands that occasionally a family might need childcare in addition to a child’s regularly scheduled days. We offer a drop-in day for registered families only at a rate of $45 per day. You must email your site directly to notify your Site Supervisor with 2 school days’ notice before the date of service. No more than 5 drop-in days may be used in a calendar month.
Can I have someone that is not on the pickup list pick up my child today?
We will not release your child to anyone who is not indicated on your Authorized for Pick Up list that’s included in your child’s Registration Packet. If you need to make changes to your list, you may do so by logging into your secure online profile at our Online Registration Page, and adding the new person to your Authorized for Pick Up list. Please email your site to let them know that you’ve made a change and need to update your Authorized for Pick Up list, and always remind the non-parent/guardian to bring ID in order to ensure a smooth pick up.
What is the latest I can pick up my child?
5:45pm – As a reminder, if your child is picked up after 6pm, you will be charged a late pick up in the amount of $25, with an additional $25 for every additional 15 minutes (or part therein) after 6:15pm (ex: 6pm-6:14pm = $25, 6:15pm-6:29pm = $50, etc.)
What is the Age Range?
Our program is for children enrolled in PreK-Grade 5 at PS 17 and K-5 at our other locations.
Do you offer programs for PreK students?
Serious Fun offers a PreK program at PS 17. Students from neighboring schools may enroll in the Serious Fun After School PreK program at PS 17. Transportation is not provided but if your child is in need of bus transportation, feel free to contact Astoria Express directly for information regarding this one-way service and pricing.
What is a Friday Club Day?
Our NEW Club Day on Fridays is an extra enrichment activity offered as a FREE BONUS activity to children that are enrolled in Friday classes. The activities are themed according to your child’s location and are offered for those who would like to participate. The students are encouraged to explore, learn and have fun!

C. Transportation
How do students get transportation to schools?
Most Serious Fun students are enrolled at the school where the Serious Fun program is located and are dismissed directly into our program. For those who are not enrolled in a Serious Fun host school, our program at PS 17/Q300 accepts students from other Astoria private and public schools. PS 17 has a walking pick up from PS 234, students from other local schools would need to arrange transportation to PS 17.
For students attending schools other than PS 17, Q300 and PS 234, local private bus transportation is a convenient option. Serious Fun collaborates with our long-time partner Astoria Express to offer discounts to families coming from other schools to the Serious Fun program at PS 17. Current rates as of Aug. 2024 are $15 per day, up to $55 for 5 days for one way transportation to PS 17.
All walking and bus transportation students need to complete a School Authorization letter to give to their host schools giving permission for the students to be transported to the Serious Fun program. For walking pick up, the School Authorization Letter is given to the school and a copy is given to Serious Fun. For bus transportation, the School Authorization is managed by the bus company, and a copy of the letter should be forwarded to Serious Fun. Although we have a long relationship with Astoria Express, we will happily accept children from any transportation company families choose.
Astoria Express Transit
If your child is in need of bus transportation to Serious Fun at PS 17, please contact Astoria Express directly for information regarding this one-way service and pricing on bus transportation.
(718) 626-3369
Visit their website
Astoria Express Permission Form
DOE School Busses
For students who currently use DOE school buses through the Office of Pupil Transportation, families may be able to designate PS 17 as their bus for after school activities. For more information, contact the NYC DOE Office of Pupil Transportation’s Transportation Support Hub.
School Authorization Letter
A School Authorization Letter is required for busing or walking. Fill out the applicable form below and return to your Serious Fun Multi-Site Director, and provide notification and copies to the day school transportation coordinator and the child’s teacher. Please note that the transportation company cannot pick up your child without the School Authorization Letter.
Any changes to the participant’s Serious Fun schedule must be updated in writing and provided to the three main parties (Serious Fun, day school, and transportation company) to ensure safety of the child at school dismissal and transport to the after school program.
Please note we don’t offer transportation service at the end of the Serious Fun program. It is the family’s responsibility to arrange pick up from PS 17.
All children must be picked up and signed out at the conclusion of programming.
Transport Walking LetterEvery effort is made to ensure the most current and complete information is on our website, however, any and all information is subject to change at any time–so please be sure to check back or call directly with any inquiries.